Friday, August 15, 2014

I NEVER even knew about this!! I wonder if the reports are true

Do you know the meaning of the colors on the bottom?
Green : Natural.

Blue : Natural + Medicine.

Red : Natural + Chemical composition.

Black : Pure Chemical.

The rectangular marks or lines on tubes referred to in the message, are using in the 

packaging process. The marks are known in the packaging industry as "eye marks" (or 

sometimes "eye spots"). They do not in any way indicate the chemical content of the tubes 

they are displayed on, regardless of what colour they are. That is not their role. 

Eye marks can be identified by electronic eyes used in sophisticated modern packaging 

machinery. The marks serve a variety of packaging purposes such as telling the machine 

where to cut and crimp tubes or indicating the desired colour of print on packaging. Many 

products have such eye marks, although they may not always be visible to consumers as 

they are on tubes. 

Rather ironically, the message poses the question "did you know squares on tubes mean 

something" and then answers the question with an outright lie. In fact, the "squares" do 

mean something - to packaging machines and the people who operate them. But, to the 

average consumer they mean nothing at all. 

Want to know what a tube's contents consist of? It is most likely listed right there on the 

side of the tube in some detail. Or, you might find even more detailed information about 

the product's content on the company's website or elsewhere on the Internet. But rest 

assured, the colour of the little mark on the tube's base will tell you nothing whatsoever 

about its chemical makeup

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