Monday, November 24, 2014

Physics Facts

Major branches of Physics

It is the study of production and properties of sound
Atomic Physics
It is the study of structure and properties of an atom.
It applies tools of physics to life processes
It is the study of low-temperature
It is the analysis of relationship between electrostatic and magnetic fields.
Fluid Physics
It deals with movement of liquid and gases
It deals with behaviour of object and system to various forces.
Nuclear/Modem Physics
It is concerned with structure and properties of atomic nucleus and their reactions.

Famous Scientists And Their Contributions

Scientific Principal(s)
Steam engine
Laws of thermodynamics
Nuclear reactor
Nuclear fission
Radio and television
Propagation of electromagnetic waves
Distal logic
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (population inversion)
Production of ultra-magnetic fields
Rocket propulsion
Newton's law of motion
Electric generator
Farday's Laws of electromagnetic induction
Hydroelectric power
Conversion of gravitational potential energy into electric energy
Bernoull's principle in fluid dynamics
Particle accelerator
Motion of charged articles in electromagnetic fields
Reflection of ultrasonic waves

Four Fundamental Forces In Nature 

There are four fundamental forces in nature that govern the diverse phenomena of the macroscopic and microscopic world. These different type of forces are:
  • Gravitational force
  • Electromagnetic force
  • Strong nuclear force
  • Weak nuclear force
The unification of different forces/domains in nature is a basic quest in physics, the gravitational force is the force of mutual attraction between any two object's by virtue of their masses. It is a universal force. The electromagnetic force is the force between charged particles. The strong nuclear force is the force between protons and neutrons. The weak nuclear force appears only in certain nuclear processes such as beta-decay of nucleus.

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